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Abstract (English):
The paper features some sociocultural and legal aspects of social activity executed by various subjects of the credit relations in the Russian Federation. The focus is made on the banking sector. The authors use culturological and activity approaches to legal and illegal actions of credit institutions and demonstrate some specific traits of administrative offenses in this sector. The paper also describes the culture of credit loans, in particular, that of microfinance institutions. The authors believe that this kind of activity is aimed at gaining and can be characterized as immoral. They studied behavioral stereotypes of borrowers and credit institutions to classify the social activities of the credit relations subjects. A high level of social activity of borrowers is directed to satisfaction of physiological requirements and security needs. The social activity of credit institutions is mostly limited by its respect for legal standards and improving the level of culture of loan granting. Hence, if the social activity of credit relations subjects that meets cultural and legal standards, it contributes to the development of national economy.

credit relations, borrower, economic behavior, responsibility, culture of economic consumption, activity
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