Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
The authors consider the internal and external reserves of improving the quality of products at the enterprises that produce reinforced concrete. The research objective was to study and substantiate the external and internal factors, thus improving the effectiveness of quality management. The paper focuses on the use of such tool of sustainable development as "Six Sigma", which is considered as an important factor in product quality management. The paper also features the process of certification as an external tool that can improve quality management in the construction industry. The authors justified the necessity of mandatory certification of construction products when bidding for a tender. The paper also reviews the experience of sustainable production at reinforced concrete plants. The problems of product quality in the industry are of strategic nature and can cause economic, environmental, and other negative consequences. Quality management should become compulsory in the industry since its products are designed exclusively for the domestic market. As a result, its certification according to State Standards ISO 9001 or GOST R ISO 9001 is absolutely voluntary and performs only image-making functions. As far as tenders for state orders are concerned, mandatory certification may solve the existing problems with the quality of construction work. As internal quality management tool, the concept of "Six Sigma" can be useful for concrete works.
products of concrete products factories, quality management, quality management system, approaches to quality management, requirements of GOSTs
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