Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Investment attractiveness of a region is a complex category, which describes various angles of the state of the socio-economic sphere. Investment attractiveness has two-level structure: organization level and state / region level. At the moment there is no consensus on the essence of this category, and there is also no unified system of indicators characterizing the investment attractiveness of an organization or region. Increasing the investment attractiveness of a region may affect various aspects of life of its population, e.g. by attracting investors to various local projects. The author analyzed scientific literature describing the essence of investment attractiveness and its structure. The paper introduces a system of indicators of investment attractiveness, which includes five groups of indicators that characterize the investment potential of the area. The system is based on scientific publications and system of indicators of investment attractiveness developed by the Expert-RA rating agency. The paper also includes an analysis of the dynamics of the indicators in 2008–2017 and recommendations on how to increase the investment attractiveness of the Kemerovo Region.

investment attractiveness of an organization, investment attractiveness of a region, investment potential, investment risk, scorecard, dynamics of indicators
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