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Abstract (English):
The possibility of appropriation in the food industry, in particular dairy, of technical approaches and solutions used in the high-tech industry sector using corrective and compensation schemes is shown. The direct application of known solutions is impossible due to the complex matrix of the composition and properties of the raw material and / or intermediate product. A variant of interpreting dairy raw materials as an input signal of the corresponding circuits is proposed, and deviations of the values of the components of the composition and property indicators (flowability, acidity, density, humidity, etc.) from the nominal values are considered as perturbations, on the basis of which the introduction of the required volume of the component is determined as a compensation signal to obtain the specified characteristics of the finished product. Adapted generalized solutions and algorithms for their implementation are presented. The additive category of interference is considered as the most common in the production of dairy products, the impact of which is described by two types.

dairy product, interference, correction system, invariance, technological process
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