Moscow, Russian Federation
The rapid development of modern society has triggered profound economic changes in all aspects of human life and state activity. These transformations give rise to a great deal of scientific research, in particular, on the study of the consequences of industrial revolutions. These revolutions changed social paradigms and caused critical shifts in the global economic landscape. Three important conceptual trends have emerged in the scientific study of industrial revolutions: evolutionary, cyclical, and systemic. These paradigms reflect the comprehensive nature of the industrial revolution with its profound transformations in the social, economic, technological, and cultural spheres. Throughout human history, five different industrial revolutions have marked epochal shifts in the trajectory of human civilization. The advent of the fifth industrial revolution (5IR) also brings about significant adjustments in law enforcement in general and in the technical and forensic support of crime detection and investigation, in particular. Big data analytics is a powerful tool that facilitates comprehensive analysis of complex data sets. Three-dimensional scanning technologies increase accuracy and objectivity in crime scene analysis and expertise. Blockchain technology ensures the immutability of evidence. In this context, the transforming potential of 5IR lies in its ability to revolutionize the tactics and techniques of crime detection and investigation. However, the abovementioned technological advances are accompanied by multidimensional ethical and legal challenges.
industrial revolutions, forensics, forensic science, digital technologies, digitalization
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