Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Based on the analysis of the state of the raw material base of the dairy industry in the federal districts, the stable leadership of the Volga District (VFD), which has the highest rates of per capita production and consumption, has been revealed. The complex of the most important indicators of milk production in the subjects of the federation located on the territory of the Volga Federal District is considered. The organization of the dairy industry in the regions does not fit into a single pattern, but in each subject it has its own characteristics, which are manifested, among other things, in the priority development of farms of various types. Based on the correlation matrix method, the factors that have the most pronounced impact on the gross milk production in the district's farms were identified. The domestic «milk problem» on the current scale cannot be solved solely by increasing the milk productivity of cows. Correlation analysis data show that the foundation for the success of regional agricultural producers is the policy of preserving the livestock of the dairy herd, provided with adequate state support.
milk, production, consumption, livestock, milk productivity, rural population, private households, state support, correlation matrix
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