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Abstract (English):
Unstable economic development affects the national economy. The rate, severity, and direction of the current transformations in the context of global changes and the new world order place new demands on the sustainability and stability of such economic systems as regions. Development is a directed process of transformation that affects all the constituent aspects of the developing object. The author examined the mechanism of regional economic development as a unity of investment attractiveness, innovative activity, and labor productivity. The research objective was to systematize the indicators of these factors as a generalized logical diagram. It is a model of economic development driven by a totality of elements aimed at creating and maintaining a system of sustainable and balanced economic development of the region. The study relied on a review of domestic publications, as well as on the method of logical analysis, content analysis, description, and generalization. The method of system identification made it possible to construct a generalized logical diagram. By using a targeted impact on economic processes, one can create a system of sustainable and balanced economic development of the region based on an efficient model of consistent economic processes. The results can be applied in various areas of economic development.

regional economy, economic dynamics, economic development model, investment attractiveness, innovative activity, labor productivity
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