Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Digitalization and automation of media affect the consumer behavior of young journalists and bloggers. The research revealed the corresponding strategic vectors of social constructs in young people’s consumer behavior. It relied on the social construction of reality developed by P. Berger and T. Luckmann, as well as on the reality of mass media by N. Luhmann. The main methods of empirical research included: 1) literature reviews and secondary analysis of research on digital marketing and its impact on consumer behavior; 2) observation and analysis of the behavior of university students and young professionals in online environment. The consumer behavior demonstrated such trends as social mobility; life changes, innovation, and experimentation; rapid suggestibility and gullibility. Young people proved to be active users of modern media; they were attracted mostly to entertainment content, i.e., videos, music, podcasts, games, etc., as well as to educational platforms. The authors described and classified the basic tools employed by content creators in the context of media automation. The study revealed an increase in major threats and risks associated with the fundamental lack of public control in the digital environment, where the final content is shaped by automated processes and artificial intelligence.

media digitalization, media content, digital automation, automated programs, artificial intelligence, consumer behavior, manipulation of consciousness, young internet users
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