Reznik Semen

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of economic sciences
Science rang
  1. Penza State University of Architecture and Construction , Department of Management , Head ,
  • Journal "Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological and Economic sciences" ,
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Developed and conducts courses: Organizational behavior, personnel Management, Personal management, management of higher education institution, Dissertation management. S. D. Reznik's articles are published in the journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences: "Economic science of modern Russia", "ECO", "social", as well as in the journals: "Problems of modern economy", "economic revival of Russia", "personnel Management", "Personnel management", "Management in Russia and abroad", "problems of theory and practice of management", "Higher education in Russia", "University management" and others. For creation of the textbook "Management in construction" as a part of group of authors it is awarded the Award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (1999). In February 2002, he won the final of the all-Russian contest "Leader in education" (Moscow). For a significant contribution to the improvement of the education system, development and implementation of innovative educational projects, success in training and education of the younger generation was awarded the highest award of Russia in the field of pedagogy – medal of K. D. Ushinsky (2001).
Contribution to science
For a number of years he was Deputy Chairman of the regional interuniversity dissertation Council for doctoral theses at the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of management and business, a member of the editorial boards of the journals "Economics of construction", "Bulletin of the GUU", a member of the Russian public Commission for all-Russian competitions "Leader in education". The Chairman of the joint dissertation Council for doctoral and master's theses in economic Sciences at the Penza state University of architecture and construction. Under his leadership, 30 candidates of economic Sciences were trained, two of them became doctors of Sciences. Member of the editorial boards of five journals included in the VAK list.
State and public posts and positions
Heads of the Penza branch of the Russian Academy of social Sciences, member of the Union of journalists of the USSR and Russia, member of the Presidium of the Educational-methodical Association of Russian universities on education in management, the President of the Council on anti-crisis measures with the Governor of the Penza region, member of the expert Council of economic Sciences of the Higher attestation Commission of Russia. Full member of the International Academy of investment and construction Economics, Academy of social Sciences, Academy of management in education and culture.
SCIENTIFIC GRANTS WON UNDER the LEADERSHIP of S. D. REZNIK IN grant COMPETITIONS International competition 1. "Training of trainers-consultants on market economy". International competition "Grant for an internship in Germany," 9-20 December 1991 – Moscow, 13-24 January 1992 – Bonn, Germany. Certificate- "with brilliant success" – Reznik S. D. 2. "Western methods of management of the construction industry." International competition "Selection and training of Russian managers in the UK". Manchester Institute of science and technology, October 1994, Manchester, UK – Reznik S. D., Shepelev I. G., Shishkin A. N. 3. "Academy of young managers". The international competition of the Fund "Cultural initiative", October 1994 Grant of II degree – Reznik S. D. 4. "Academy of young managers". The international competition of the Fund "Cultural initiative", may 1995 Grant of the I degree – Reznik S. D. Russian competition 1. "Theory and practice of formation of legal culture of a Manager in the conditions of transition to market relations" all-Russian competition. The state Committee for higher education. Ural state University. A. M. Gorky, 1993 Grant and diploma of the winner – K. M. Kukharev 2. "Economic and socio-psychological aspects of motivation management of personnel behavior" all-Russian grant competition. Grant no. state reg. 01950002590, 1996 Competitive grants centre for economic Sciences, Ministry of education of Russia, St. Petersburg.: University of Economics and Finance – Levina S. sh. 3. "Improving the quality potential of management personnel in construction." Russian contest. Program "Architecture and construction", 1996. № state.reg. 01940003734-Igoshina I. A. 4. "Theory and practice of personnel management in the transition to a market economy." Russian contest. Program "Architecture and construction", 1996. № state.reg. 01960011290-Reznik V. S. 5. "Management system in the construction industry." All-Russian grant competition (construction). Grant, 1996, № state.reg. 01970004551-Levina S. Sh. 6. "Incremental system development of HR management". All-Russian competition of grants of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation 1997, № state reg. 019970005427-Levina S. Sh. 7. "Reserves of increase of efficiency of functioning of a construction complex: regional aspect" (on the example of the Penza region). Russian contest. The program "Architecture and construction". Competition of programs in the field of architecture and construction. № state.reg. 0190004176, 1999-Levina S. sh. 8. "Children of New Russia-youth economic camp". All-Russian competition, 1999, Grant Of the Committee of youth, sports and tourism of the Russian Federation-Reznik V. S., Reznik I. S., Kondratyev E. V. 9. "Improving the management of the construction complex of the region." All-Russian grant competition. Grant in the field of architecture and construction, 2000 № state reg. 01200104002 – Baulin V. A. 10. "Scientific and methodological support of the complex regional system of continuous practical training and employment of University graduates". The competition program of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation, № state.reg. 01200010310, 2000, Kondratyev E. V., Reznik I. S. 11. "Development and implementation of intra-University system of formation, training and development of management potential of higher education". The competition program of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation, № state.reg. 0120010365, 2001 – Vasin S. M., Sazykina O. A. 12. "Management of the Department: development and publication of a textbook for the system of advanced training of management potential of higher education institutions." All-Russian competition "Leader in education" , reaching the final on February 21-27, 2002-O. A. Sazykina – 13. "Assessment of the impact of the qualitative composition and content of the rectors and the effectiveness of scientific and educational activities of subordinate universities." The competition program of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation, № state.reg. 01200405055, 2004-Sazykina O. A. 14. "Development of technology for the assessment of efficiency of realization of measures and activities of Executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, directed on support of youth entrepreneurship and the promotion of youth employment". The competition program of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, № state.reg. 01200504942, 2005 Sazykina O. A., Czerny CC A. E. 15. "Scientific and methodological support of the management system of higher education institutions on the basis of monitoring the content of activities and organization of work with senior staff of higher education institutions." The competition program of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, № state.reg. 01200603693, 2006 – Sazykina O. A. 16. "Organization and holding of the international scientific and practical conference "management of higher education institutions in the light of the implementation of the priority national project "Education". Competition Of the Russian humanitarian science Foundation, 2007-O. A. Sazykina 17. "Development of scientific and methodological support of the faculty management system-a key element of higher education on the basis of monitoring the composition and content of the Dean's corps." The competition program of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, № state.reg. 01200803321, 2008, Sazykina O. A., Shesternina O. I. 18. "Scientific and methodological support for the establishment and functioning of the regional training center for training and retraining of University management personnel." Competition grants, № state.reg. 01200850938, 2008. – O. Sazykina And 19. "Modeling of social partnership" UNIVERSITY-employer-student-Executive authorities"in the educational space of the region." Competition grants, № state.reg. 01200850939, 2008-Vdovina O. A. Nazarova N. Ah. 20. "Pedagogical approaches to managing the competitiveness of Russian students during their studies at the University". Competition grants, № state.reg. 01201061911, 2009 – Cocilovo A. 21. "The system and mechanisms of management to improve the efficiency of certification of scientific personnel in Russia." The competition program of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, № state.reg. 01200951279, 2009 – Sazykina O. A. 22. "Mechanisms of activation of preparation of students for real practical activity". Competition grants, № state.reg. 01200957137, 2009 – N Nazarov.. 23. "Methodological support for the formation of a reserve of managerial personnel in higher education institutions of Russia, support and management of their professional advancement." Open competition of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, 2010, Federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia", 2009-2013, № state reg. 01201061657-Sazykina O. A. 24. "Development of mechanisms of increase of efficiency of preparation of graduate students for independent scientific and pedagogical activity". Open competition of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, 2010, Federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia", 2009-2013, № state reg. 01201062942 – Drzewicka E. S. 25. "Pedagogy training their female students to actively promote the business and structures of management". Russian humanitarian science Foundation, 2010, № state reg. 01201162936-Makarova S. N. 26. "Activation of entrepreneurial initiatives of students in the regional University." Russian humanitarian science Foundation, 2010, № state reg. 01201162946-Nazarova N. Ah. 27. "Reputation management system of regional higher education institution". Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2012-2013, № state.reg. 01201261564-Yudina T. A. 28. "Development of tools and practical recommendations for the competitive orientation of students, increase on this basis of competitiveness in the labor market of graduates of higher educational institutions of Russia." State job Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, 2012-2014, № state.reg. 01201253649-Reznik S. D. 29. "Pedagogical technologies of formation of organizational culture of the Russian students in the conditions of changes of the social and economic environment". Ministry of education and science of the Federal target program " Scientific and pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia (2009-2013)", 2012-2013-Reznik S. D. 30. "Economic assessment of costs in the field of management of training and certification of scientific personnel." Russian humanitarian science Foundation, 2013-2014, № state reg. 01201363012-Reznik S. D. 31. All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Ways to improve the quality of defense and examination of dissertations". Russian humanitarian science Foundation, 2014 – Reznik S. D. 32. "Technologies of formation of system of reputational responsibility of higher educational institution (on the example of universities of Penza)". Russian humanitarian science Foundation, 2014-2015, № state reg. – Yudina T. A.

MONOGRAPHS, TEXTBOOKS, MANUALS S. D. RESNICK I. Monographs 1. Reznik S. D. Stimulation of labor for rural construction projects [Text] / S. D. Reznik, W. P. Odinets, G. A. Karabanov, A. V. Ponomarev; ed. by S. D. Reznik. – Minsk: Uradzhai, 1973. 2. Reznik S. D. Training of skilled workers in rural construction [Text]/S. D. Reznik, N. So. Cavaliers. - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1975. 3. Reznik S. D. Master in construction [Text] / S. D. Resnick. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1978. 4. Reznik S. D. Labor resources in construction (socio-economic problems) [Text] / S. D. Reznik. - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1982. 5. Reznik S. D. Labor discipline in the construction [Text] / S. D. Resnick. - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1986. 6. Reznik S. D. Master – Director and organizer of the labor collective of builders [Text] / S. D. Resnick. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1987. 7. Reznik S. D. a Comprehensive system of continuous practical training and employability of students in higher education [Text] / S. D. Reznik, G. A., Reznik, V. S. Reznik, I. S. Reznik, E. V. Kondrat'ev; ed. by S. D. Reznik. – Penza: SCIENTIFIC, 2002. 8. Reznik S. D. Formation, training and development of managerial staff of higher educational institutions in conditions of market Economics [Text] / S. D. Resnick, S. M. Vasin, O. A. Sazykina; ed. by S. D. Reznik. – Penza: SCIENTIFIC, 2003. 9. Reznik S. D. Motivation of management personnel in construction organizations [Text] / S. D. Reznik, C. S. Levin, I. V. Glukhov; ed. by S. D. Reznik. – Penza: SCIENTIFIC, 2003. 10. Reznik S. D. system of training and advanced training of management personnel of the enterprise [Text] / S. D. Reznik, E. V. Kondratyev. – Penza: PGWC, 2004. 11. Reznik S. D. Effective team Manager [Text] / S. D. Reznik, V. G. Kulikov. - Rostov n / A: Phoenix, 2005. 12. Reznik S. D. Female head: how to succeed in management [Text] / S. D. Reznik, S. N. Makarov. - Rostov n / A: Phoenix, 2005. 13. Reznik S. D., the System and mechanisms of human resources management in construction organizations [Text] / S. D. Resnick, R. Y. Turaeva. – Penza: PGWC, 2006. 14. Reznik S. D. Development of organizational management structures of enterprises of the construction complex [Text] / S. D. Reznik, A.V. Baulin. – Penza: PGWC, 2006. 15. Reznik S. D., the System and mechanisms of competitiveness-the ability of higher educational institutions [Text] / S. D. Reznik, E. S. Jevicka, Y. S. Chausova; ed. by S. D. Reznik. – Penza: PGWC, 2009. 16. Reznik S. D. Management of the system of professional Pro-movement of managers in the field of education [Text] / S. D. RES-nick, S. N. Makarova, A. G. Yudakov; ed. S. D. Reznik. – Penza: PGWC, 2009. 17. Reznik S. D. Management of the system of youth employment promotion [Text] / S. D. Reznik, A. E. Chernitsov. – Penza: PGWC, 2009. 18. Reznik S. D. Mechanisms of increasing the level of controllability of organization [Text] / S. D. Reznik, V. G. Kulikov, Z. M. Rybalkina; ed.S. D. Reznik. – Penza: PGWC, 2009. 19. Reznik S. D. Social partnership in the sphere of higher professional education [Text] / S. D. Resnick, N.. Nazarova. – Penza: PGWC, 2010. 20.Benchmarks and mechanisms to improve the efficiency of the state system of certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel: experience, problems, prospects [Text] / N. And. Aristar, Reznik S. D., Sazykina O. A.. – Penza: PGAS, 2011. 21. Reznik S. D. potential of labor resources as a factor of increasing the level of competitiveness in construction [Text] / S. D. Reznik, M. N. Barbarian. – Penza: PGAS, 2012. 22. Reznik S. D. Konkurencieschopnosti students as a key condition for high competitiveness of graduates of universities [Text] / S. D. Reznik, A. A. Cocilovo, E. S. Ko Kovalova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. 23. Reznik S. D. Deans of Russia: sociological portrait, techno-logy and organization of activity [Text] / S. D. Reznik, G. B. Fo-min, O. A. Sazykina, O. I. Shesternina; ed.S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. 24. Reznik S. D. Rectors of Russia: the system and mechanisms of professional development [Text] / S. D. Reznik, G. B. Fomin, O. A. Sa-Zykina; ed. by S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. 25. Reznik S. D. post-Graduate students of Russian: the selection and preparation of independe-Yateley research and teaching [Text] / S. D. Reznik, E. S. Drzewicka, S. N. Makarov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. 26. Reznik S. D. Management capacity of higher educational institutions of Russia: assessment, experience, prospects [Text] / S. D. Reznik, O. A. Sazykina, G. B. Fomin. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 27. Reznik S. D. Management of labor conflicts [Text] / S. D. Reznik, A. E. Chernitsov, T. I. Kobyakova. – Penza: PGAS, 2013. 28. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. Book one. General problems of management, human potential management in construction [Text] / S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 29. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. The second book. Management of higher school and scientific activity [Text] / S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 30. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. Book the third. Family management, household management, personal management [Text] / S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 31. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. Book four. Management of human potential in socio-economic systems [Text] / S. D. Resnick. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 32. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. The fifth book. Management of human potential in socio-economic systems [Text] / S. D. Resnick. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 33. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. The fifth book. Management of human potential in socio-economic systems [Text] / S. D. Resnick. – M.: INFRA-M, 2018. 34. Reznik S. D. reputation Management of higher educational institutions [Text] / S. D. Reznik, T. A. Yudina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 35.Modern problems of management [Text] / ed.S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 36. Reznik S. D. Effective scientific management of graduate students [Text] / S. D. Reznik, S. N. Makarova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 37.Management in socio-economic systems vespri-balnogo sector [Text] / ed. by R. M. Nizhegorodtsev, S. D. Resnick. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. 38.Human capital: theory and practice of management in socio-economic systems [Text]: monograph / under the General editorship of R. M. Nizhegorodtsev, S. D. Resnick. Moscow, INFRA-M, 2014. 39.Management of higher education and science: experience, problems, prospects [Text]: monograph / under the General editorship of R. M. Nizhegorodtsev, S. D. Resnick. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. 40. Reznik S. D. Technologies of intensive formation of economic independence and entrepreneurial competencies of students of higher educational institutions [Text] / S. D. Reznik, A. E. Chernitsov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. 41. Reznik S. D. Problems and mechanisms of self-organization Russian family [Text] / S. D. Reznik, V. A. Bobrov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. 42. Reznik S. D. Roads to management: about himself and the people around me, about time and events [Text] / S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014, 2015, 2016. 43. Reznik S. D. the running of the household as a socio-economic system [Text]: monograph / S. D. Resnick, N. Yu. Egorova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. 44. Reznik S. D. the Formation and development of the management potential of educational organizations [Text]: monograph / S. D. Reznik, E. R., Emelyanova, Z. M. Rybalkina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. 45. Reznik S. D. Organizational culture of students in the conditions of changes in the socio-economic environment [Text]: mono-graphy / S. D. Reznik, M. V. Chernikovskaya. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. 46. Reznik S. D. Economic assessment of costs in the sphere of theses organizational management [Text]: monograph / S. D. Reznik, O. A. Sa-Zykina. – Penza: PGAS, 2015. 47. Reznik S. D. Reputational accountability of higher educational institutions [Text]: monograph / S. D. Reznik, T. A. Yudina. – Pins-for: PGAS, 2015. 48. Reznik S. D. Preparation and development of teachers of higher educational institutions [Text]: monograph / S. D. Reznik, E. S. Jevicka. – Penza: PGAS, 2015. 49. Labor markets and educational services in Russia: realities and prospects [Text]: monograph / S. D. Resnick, R. M. Nizhegorodtsev, A. G. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 50.Competence management: structure, institutions, mechanisms [Text]: monograph / edited by R. M. Nizhegorodtsev, S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 51.Panov I. A. Documentation support of intra-University management [Text]: monograph / I. A. Panov, S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 52. Reznik S. D. Heads of departments of Russian universities: stages of growth [Text] / S. D. Reznik, O. A. Sazykina; under the General ed. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 53. Reznik S. D. Teachers of Russian universities: formation and development of professional competences [Text] / S. D. Reznik, O. A. Vdovina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 54. Reznik S. D. to Prepare students for postgraduate training of the University [Text] / S. D. butcher, D. V. Ustinov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 55. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. The fifth book. Human potential management in systems of higher education, training and certification of scientific personnel [Text] / S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2016. 56. Reznik S. D. Management. Selected articles. Book six. Management of human potential in socio-economic systems [Text] / S. D. Resnick. – M.: INFRA-M, 2018. II. Textbooks 1. Management in construction [Text]: textbook for universities with GRI-FOM Ministry of education. – M.: Association of construction universities, 1994, 1999, 2001. (Awarded the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation). 2. Personal management [Text]: textbook for universities with the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation / S. D. Reznik, V. V. Bondarenko, S. N. So-Kolov, F. E. Udalov; ed. S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2014, 2017. 3. Reznik S. D. Department Management [Text]: textbook for universities with the stamp of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation / S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004, 2009, 2015, 2017. 4. Reznik S. D., Organizational behavior [Text]: textbook for universities with the stamp of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation / S. D. Resnick. – M.: INFRA-M, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2017. 5. The faculty of management [Text]: textbook with a signature stamp UMO / ed. by S. D. Reznik. – M.: INFRA-M, 2008, 2013, 2017.

Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
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