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Abstract (English):
A health-saving biotechnology of a specialized product has been developed using the technology of obtaining carrot cells with the intestinal alkaline phosphatase genome, based on the cultivation of transformed carrot cells (somatic embioids) in suspension culture with further freezedrying. The probiotic product is intended for the correction and complex treatment of disorders of the intestinal microflora and the immune system, prevention of the development of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. The mechanism of this action is to prevent the activity of LPS, NF – Kb, TLRY receptors and, as a consequence, the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines. The data of the target segment and the volume of their production are presented. Recombinant human intestinal alkaline phosphatase (cSF) was obtained in vitro from carrot cells, which is the novelty and originality of technological solutions. In this case, the plant cell acts as an ideal means of delivering SF to the target cells of the intestine. At the same time, it is stable in the acidic environment of the stomach and is promptly destroyed in the intestine by microflora enzymes. The product has been tested on the basis of the biotech cluster of the Art Life company (Tomsk) according to the requirements of the 22,000 series and GMP standards, providing confidence in the stability of the specified quality and safety characteristics.

Probiotic product, intestinal phosphatase, technology, mechanism of action, effectiveness
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