Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The paper is dedicated to the pilot system of the computer information portal, that is being designed in Kemerovo State University in order to enable engineers, students, postgraduate students and other users to get an expanded access to solutions of environmental applied problems in Kuzbass. The following elements are considered to be pilot system elements: solution of the grit motion in a klooded shaft problem, virtual laboratory of parallel programming, distributed computer resources access system. The present research is based on the task № 2014/64 of state research “Scientific research organization”

Ключевые слова:
Computer information portal, mathematical modeling, net method, high performance computing
Coal companies are known for their huge negative effect on Kuzbass environment and the adverse changes they cause. High cost of environmental facilities, lack of investment, unavailability of scientifically proven recommendations on how to reduce mine work adverse impact on environment and to eliminate that impact make the environmental situation even worse.Coal companies’ development requires water consumption increase needed for coal production and further coal preparation. Coal companies are major environment contaminators with increasing waste water discharge. Various industrial methods of waste water treatment require great costs.Waste water treatment by using flooded waste mining workings requires less costs compared to other methods. “Kolchuginskaya” coal mine was the first in the world to apply this method to purify “Komsomolec” (coal preparation plant) slurry water. Liquid wastes are pumped into worked-out area of a flooded mine. Natural purification of wastewater is supposed to take place in mine workings due to the water precipitation and mixture with influent underground water. Although the method requires low costs it is essential to be researched to forecast possible effects of treatment processes in the flooded mine. Flooded mine working can be defined to be a black box with only input and output data possible to be estimated. Numerical simulation of the treatment process is almost the only possible way to estimate this method impact on the environment. Taking into consideration current ecological situation the Russian government approved the state long term coal industry development program for the period until 2030, that includes measures aimed at coal consumption increasing by domestic power industry and scientific and technology capability development via the adoption of innovation technologies of coal processing and utilization such as underground coal gasification. This technology is considered to be the most ecologically friendly. Numerical simulation of underground coal gasification enables to identify qualitative composition of combustion gas in the coal mine under consideration.Kemerovo State University develops the project targeted at high technology software complex development in order to solve environmental problems of the coal region that can be available for research community, managers, engineers, students and post graduates.Software tools are often used by either developers or limited group of experts in the form of problem-oriented software. It happens because software is mostly aimed at single-discipline problem solving, sophisticated to use, and it requires upgrading in case the problem formulation changes. Such kind of software is considered to be unique and requires pricy operating license (2500foraprocessoror900 - 1500 for a user). Modern information technologies enable to cut simulation experiment costs and make it available for more users by creating cloud computing and special purpose web-services.
Список литературы

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