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Abstract (English):
Symbolic judicial space is a historical and legal phenomenon. The spatial approach to social phenomena offers a phenomenological and communicative understanding of space as an object-subject interaction. The author described the origin and use of such terms as judicial space and space of justice in scientific circulation to compile a new definition of judicial space and its symbolization. Judicial space is multidimensional in its structure, which can be subdivided into physical, social, and mental judicial subspaces. Judicial activity has a high degree of symbolism and rituality, which can be supported by a number of historical and legal examples. The symbolization of judicial space is a historical and legal process that determines the course of historical memory. In this aspect, it is a subject of historical and legal science, e.g., legal source studies, legal iconography, legal semiotics, and narrative jurisprudence.

history of state and law, court, judicial space, space of justice, symbol, symbolization, legal source studies, legal iconography, legal semiotics, narrative jurisprudence
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