Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The influence of the level of readily available carbohydrates in the diets of cows of the Kholmogorsky breed on the production efficiency and qualitative characteristics of milk has been studied. A twofold increase in the sugar-protein ratio in diets at the height of lactation contributed to an increase in milk productivity by 4,6 %. There was a significant effect (P=0,95) of an increase in the level of carbohydrates on an increase in the protein content in milk by 0,14 abs. % and the content of dry skimmed milk residue by 0,128 abs. %. The dependence on the level of sugars in the diet of cows was determined, expressed in a positive correlation of the protein content in milk at the beginning and end of the experiment (r=0,54), and the content of sugars and dry skimmed milk residue (r=0,76). When cows consume an additional amount of readily available carbohydrates, the service period is reduced by 14,9 days. The biochemical analysis of blood revealed a more intensive course of metabolic processes. The level of alpha- and gamma-globulins responsible for the formation of immunity in animals of the experimental group increased by 0,74–0,79 % compared to the control group. During the experiment, there was a pronounced tendency to increase the concentration of glucose by 10,6 %, which indicates a positive energy balance in the body of experimental animals. The additional introduction of 741 g per day of readily available carbohydrates into the diet increases the biological value of milk, has a positive effect on economic indicators. The research results show the importance of balancing diets by the level of readily available carbohydrates in order to obtain high-grade dairy products.
Kholmogorsky cattle, milk productivity, milk quality, carbohydrate level, biological value of milk.
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