Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Russian Federation
The analysis and selection of the quantitative ratio of crops in the normalized milk-vegetable mixture was carried out. It is advisable to use starter cultures in combination with other bacterial starter cultures in the following ratios: R-704 – BB-12 – 1 : 1; R-704 – La casei – 1: 1; BB-12 – La casei – 1:1; R-704 – BB-12 – La casei – 1 : 1: 1. These combinations were investigated for the fermentation (coagulation) of the normalized mixture. Controlled parameters were selected: titrated and active acidity of the clot and serum; mass fraction of dry substances in the serum; time of clot formation; yield of cheese grain and whey; mass fraction of moisture, acidity and organoleptic parameters of cheese grain; total number of lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria. Skimmed milk was used as a control sample. The chemical composition and parameters of the subsurface serum, physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbiological parameters of the resulting cheese mass were studied. Skimmed milk was used as a control sample. The chemical composition and parameters of the subsurface serum, physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbiological parameters of the resulting cheese mass were studied. The amount of lactose (milk sugar) was also determined in the control and experimental products. Based on the totality of the results obtained, the optimal composition of the starter culture was obtained for obtaining a new cheese product for specialized purposes.
cheese product, composition, microflora, starter culture, specialized product
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