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Abstract (English):
Milk powder is a popular ingredient in various branches of the food industry. However, skim milk powder is often made of whey, which classifies as food fraud. Glycomacropeptide analysis can detect whey in milk powder. The biological and functional properties of glycomacropeptides depend on glycosylated heterogeneous carbohydrate chains. The colorimetric and fluorimetric method of detecting glycomacropeptide analysis relies on detecting sialic acid. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of such methods of glycomacropeptide tests as polyacrylamide gel or capillary electrophoresis, as well as immunological, biosensor, and chromatographic methods. A universal glycomacropeptide test that could detect whey in milk powder remains an urgent task that requires further research and practical implementation.

skim milk powder, glycomacropeptides, adulteration, whey, research methods
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